Multiplex - a comic strip about life at the movies

Archive for the ‘Multiplex News’ Category


Come meet me at Wizard World Philadelphia (June 2–4 only)

Hello! If you’re in the area, come meet me at Wizard World Philadelphia with Phil Kahn of Guilded Age. We’ll be at Booth 1702. NOTE: I will only be there from June 2–4. No Thursday preview for me.

(Here’s a floor plan for your planning pleasure.)

If you use the coupon code GUILDED, you can get 20% off your advanced ticket orders.

I will have copies of the brand-spankin’-new, not-even-officially-released Multiplex: The Revenge (Book Three) in tow, draw sketches (for monies), and if my iPad has any juice in it, I’ll show you some behind the scenes stuff from the Multiplex 10 short, too.

Multiplex 10: the animated short is now (officially) in pre-production

Thanks to 572 generous backers, Multiplex 10: the animated short has raised over $19,000 on Kickstarter. After payment processing and Kickstarter fees, this amounts to a production and distribution budget of $17,000 and change — still very low-budget for animation… but we have the resources to make it look and sound excellent.

We’ll continue to look at other avenues for helping fund the distribution of the short, but now we have a firm production budget: we’ll be producing the animation in 2K. (This will make it easy to output the animation in 4K should we get additional funding later.) And while it was part of the $20,000 stretch goal that we didn’t reach, we’ll make room in the budget for that 5.1 surround sound mix.

Thanks to my awesome cast and crew, Dana Shaw, Joe Dunn, Tom Brazelton, Chris Rager, Javier Prusky, Tangelene Bolton, Ian Vargo, and our most recent addition Aiyanna Wade for helping spread the word on the project throughout the funding period.

From here out, I’ll be  posting about Multiplex 10 mostly on its official site rather than here on the Multiplex site, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for comics and news over there! And if you backed the Kickstarter, I hope you’ll be following along in the Kickstarter updates, too.

Multiplex 10: the comic book?! (addition to the $20k stretch goal)

The Multiplex 10 Kickstarter project ends in TWO DAYS. (Sunday, May 7th, at 11pm Central, to be precise. Kickstarter rounds down.) Right now, we’re thisclose to $17,000 — nearly 40% of the way to our first and only stretch goal (so far).

I wanted to help encourage a few Multiplex readers who loved the webcomic but haven’t pledged to support the animated short yet with a new reward on the existing $20,000 stretch goal: a Multiplex 10 comic ebook — free to all $25+ Kickstarter backers. I’ve run a few “story comics” over at the Multiplex 10 site (two of which also ran here), and I will be a few more of those no matter what, but this stretch goal/reward will add even more new comics and make the ebook into essentially an “episode zero” of the animated series.

It will be at least 16 pages long, with the existing comic strips and new material  slightly reformatted into a single, continuous story rather than a collection of comic strips like the Multiplex Chapter eBooks.

Oh, and by the way: Book Three is IN! And I have the first box of rewards packages ready to ship out today. The “regular edition” books will go out first, because they’re the easiest (and clear out my overwhelmed office faster); the artist’s edition books (with sketches) will take a bit longer.

For those of you who didn’t back the Book Three Kickstarter, the BackerKit pre-orders are now closed, but it will go up on the Multiplex store next month, after all of the Kickstarter rewards are fulfilled.

The Multiplex 10 Kickstarter project ends in THREE DAYS

The Multiplex 10: the animated short Kickstarter project crossed its base funding goal on Tuesday night, so it is officially greenlit! But don’t let that stop you from contributing. Every additional dollar we raise will go to improving the animation, improving the sound, or distributing and promoting the short — including producing more comics set with Kurt, Jason, and the rest.

Speaking of which… a new Multiplex 10 comic is up over at the Multiplex 10 website. Now that the short is officially greenlit, I’ll be posting new Multiplex 10 strips on an irregular (but roughly weekly) basis for a little while. A couple of months, maybe? We’ll see! Whenever I do a story arc, they tend to run a little longer than I planned, so… who knows?

The funding period ends this SUNDAY, MAY 7th at 11pm Central, so act soon!